Monday, December 28, 2015

My Etsy store, Art by Victoria Skye, is now open!

I hope everyone is having an enjoyable, or at least an interesting holiday season.

On Dec 26 my Etsy Art store officially opened, and today I had my first sale!
I've been commissioned to "image to art" a beautiful photo taken of child taken at at very colorful marina. I will share the painting with you later.

Here's my card and info - please stop by the shop at and have a look. Browse, buy something from my studio, or order something made just for you!

Wishing you love, laughter, and peace in the coming year.

Victoria Skye

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December 2015

Haven't been keeping up the blog, but that's okay. I've been busy

Summer was spent doing the cover art and illustrations for the most recent Jackson Sugar novel - more than 30 full bleed drawings. I also assisted in editing this rather massive, wonderful novel.
Wanted Dead, and the first book in the series, Crazy Red, are available in paperback at Amazon, and as eBooks everywhere,

On the heels of this, I had further requests for my art - enough of them that I decided to eschew auditions for a time in favor of creating and selling my art.

Consequently, I'm happy to announce the opening on my Etsy Art store, either in late December or early January 2016: Art by Victoria Skye.  I will be selling sketches, drawings, and acrylic and pastel paintings, both ready to order and customized from images provided, and all at an affordable price.

Here's a  few images from my studio. Come visit the store if you see something you like, or let me paint something for you!

Victoria Skye


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Home to Atlanta

March 8, 2015

It was a busy winter season between work, family and my long-awaited return to my Atlanta home.  

Some recent happenings -

Val Morris has published the sequel to Monster Girl, Ghost in the Attic, (available at Amazon),and I was once again delighted to provide the cover illustration.
The Skum Rocks! movie Miami premiere and CHARLEE benefit performance was both fun and successful. I'm excited about the road ahead for these guys.

And finally, here's some of my favorite photos from recent shoots.
To see more photos and videos, visit my webpage at





Until later, 