Sunday, September 23, 2018

Amazon Giveaway of The Sun Guardian

Celebrate the first full day of autumn by entering the AMAZON GIVEAWAY for a Kindle copy of The Sun Guardian.  

No purchase necessary! 
Contest runs September 23- 30. Here's the link!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Vanguards of Viridor Book Two now available everywhere!

Excited to announce that the latest installment in the Vanguards of Viridor series, The King's Whisper, is now available for sale wherever eBooks are sold - including Barnes & Noble for those who have a Nook.…/1129534655…
For those with other devices, as well as internationally, the series is also available at
- you may need to have Adult Content checked in order to view.
And for Kindle readers and those who  paperbacks, you can find them both at