Saturday, June 14, 2014

Its been almost a month since my last post - but I've been really busy!

Jackson Sugar: Crazy Red, the new novel by Kaley Craig, has just been released on Amazon Kindle, and the paperback (my preferred way to read) should be available within the week!  And yours truly did the art work and illustrations!
And that's me on the cover as Maggie.
It's exciting to be a part of creating something - which is why I love acting - and I've been doing some of that, too.  

Skum Rocks! the movie premiered at the Dances With Films Festival in Hollywood on May 30 (I play the disgruntled bride, Marsha).

I play a basketball fan in a commercial that will be airing later this year.

And I've been having lots of fun filming some shorts for the local Drive-In Movie here in Memphis that have been so well received, we're filming more. The shorts are shot as sci-fi B-Movie trailers, and I play the role of Britney Bombshell, a woman of questionable morals, who is murdered and dumped into a vat of toxic waste. But never fear, the toxic waste does a number on me, and I morph into a super-powered avenger of wrongs, laying waste to my killers and a few thousand zombies along the way. Fun stuff, right?

So how could I possibly be blue? 

Drop me a note and let me know how your summer is going, or visit me over at my website. I'd love to her from you.

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